Affiliated Faculty

Zahi Fayad

Director of the Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Institute


Zahi A. Fayad, PhD, serves as the Lucy G. Moses Professor of Medical Imaging and Bioengineering at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is Professor of Radiology (vice-chair for research) and Professor of Medicine (Cardiology). He is the founding Director of the BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute. Dr. Fayad’s research has been dedicated to the detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease with many seminal contributions in the field of multimodality biomedical imaging (MR, CT, PET and PET/MR) and nanomedicine. Recent collaborative work has been in: 1) the study of psychosocial stress exposure in the brain, the cardiovascular system and the immune system; 2) the development of platform nanotechnology to produce nanobiologics for immunotherapy in multiple disease conditions; 3) the development of the Mount Sinai Imaging Research Warehouse (de-identified, pseudo-anonymized images and metadata) as a unique repository of radiological imaging big data for focused imaging and general healthcare research.

Dr. Fayad had his engineering trainings at Bradley University (BS, Electrical Engineering ’89), the Johns Hopkins University (MS, Biomedical Engineering ‘91), and at the University of Pennsylvania (PhD Bioengineering ’96). From 1996 to 1997 he was junior faculty in the Department of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1997 he joined the faculty at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine as Assistant Professor in Radiology and Medicine (Cardiology).


Zahi A. Fayad, PhD, serves as the Lucy G. Moses Professor of Medical Imaging and Bioengineering at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is Professor of Radiology (vice-chair for research) and Professor of Medicine (Cardiology). He is the founding Director of the BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute. Dr. Fayad’s research has been dedicated to the detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease with many seminal contributions in the field of multimodality biomedical imaging (MR, CT, PET and PET/MR) and nanomedicine. Recent collaborative work has been in: 1) the study of psychosocial stress exposure in the brain, the cardiovascular system and the immune system; 2) the development of platform nanotechnology to produce nanobiologics for immunotherapy in multiple disease conditions; 3) the development of the Mount Sinai Imaging Research Warehouse (de-identified, pseudo-anonymized images and metadata) as a unique repository of radiological imaging big data for focused imaging and general healthcare research.

Dr. Fayad had his engineering trainings at Bradley University (BS, Electrical Engineering ’89), the Johns Hopkins University (MS, Biomedical Engineering ‘91), and at the University of Pennsylvania (PhD Bioengineering ’96). From 1996 to 1997 he was junior faculty in the Department of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1997 he joined the faculty at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine as Assistant Professor in Radiology and Medicine (Cardiology).


March, 2021

Outcomes of Patients on Maintenance Dialysis Hospitalized with COVID-19

Journal | CJASN

HPI·MS Authors

Zahi Fayad

Erwin Bottinger

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

4 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Lili Chan, Suraj K Jaladanki, Sulaiman Somani, Ishan Paranjpe, Arvind Kumar, Shan Zhao, Lewis Kaufman, Staci Leisman, Shuchita Sharma, John Cijiang He, Barbara Murphy, Zahi A Fayad, Matthew A Levin, Erwin P Bottinger, Alexander W Charney, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Steven G Coca, Girish N Nadkarni



Open Publication

February, 2021

Association of SARS-CoV-2 viral load at admission with in-hospital acute kidney injury: A retrospective cohort study

Journal | PLOS ONE

HPI·MS Authors

Erwin Bottinger

Zahi Fayad

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

4 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Ishan Paranjpe, Kumardeep Chaudhary, Kipp W. Johnson, Suraj K. Jaladanki, Shan Zhao, Jessica K. De Freitas, Elisabet Pujdas, Fayzan Chaudhry, Erwin P. Bottinger, Matthew A. Levin, Zahi A. Fayad, Alexander W. Charney, Jane Houldsworth, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Benjamin S. Glicksberg, Girish N. Nadkarni



Open Publication

February, 2021

Use of Physiological Data From a Wearable Device to Identify SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Symptoms and Predict COVID-19 Diagnosis: Observational Study

Journal | Journal of Medical Internet Research

HPI·MS Authors

Robert Hirten

Matteo Danieletto

Micol Zweig

Sparshdeep (Shelly) Kaur

Alex Charney

Erwin Bottinger

Girish Nadkarni

Zahi Fayad

8 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Robert P Hirten; Matteo Danieletto; Lewis Tomalin; Katie Hyewon Choi; Micol Zweig; Eddye Golden; Sparshdeep Kaur; Drew Helmus; Anthony Biello; Renata Pyzik; Alexander Charney; Riccardo Miotto; Benjamin S Glicksberg; Matthew Levin; Ismail Nabeel; Judith Aberg; David Reich; Dennis Charney; Erwin P Bottinger; Laurie Keefer; Mayte Suarez-Farinas; Girish N Nadkarni; Zahi A Fayad


Journal of Medical Internet Research

Open Publication

January, 2021

Federated Learning of Electronic Health Records to Improve Mortality Prediction in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: Machine Learning Approach

Journal | JMIR Med Inform

HPI·MS Authors

Alex Charney

Erwin Bottinger

Zahi Fayad

Girish Nadkarni

4 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Akhil Vaid, Suraj K Jaladanki, Jie Xu, Shelly Teng, Arvind Kumar, Samuel Lee, Sulaiman Somani, Ishan Paranjpe, Jessica K De Freitas, Tingyi Wanyan, Kipp W Johnson, Mesude Bicak, Eyal Klang, Young Joon Kwon, Anthony Costa, Shan Zhao, Riccardo Miotto, Alexander W Charney, Erwin Böttinger, Zahi A Fayad, Girish N Nadkarni, Fei Wang, Benjamin S Glicksberg


JMIR Med Inform

Open Publication

January, 2021

AKI in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19

Journal | Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

HPI·MS Authors

Zahi Fayad

Alex Charney

Erwin Bottinger

Girish Nadkarni

4 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Lili Chan, Kumardeep Chaudhary, Aparna Saha, Kinsuk Chauhan, Akhil Vaid, Shan Zhao, Ishan Paranjpe, Sulaiman Somani, Felix Richter, Riccardo Miotto, Anuradha Lala, Arash Kia, Prem Timsina, Li Li, Robert Freeman, Rong Chen, Jagat Narula, Allan C. Just, Carol Horowitz, Zahi Fayad, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Eric Schadt, Matthew A. Levin, David L. Reich, Valentin Fuster, Barbara Murphy, John C. He, Alexander W. Charney, Erwin P. Böttinger, Benjamin S. Glicksberg, Steven G. Coca, Girish N. Nadkarni and on behalf of the Mount Sinai COVID Informatics Center (MSCIC)


Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Open Publication

November, 2020

Retrospective cohort study of clinical characteristics of 2199 hospitalised patients with COVID-19 in New York City

Journal | BMJ Open

HPI·MS Authors

Matteo Danieletto

Manbir Singh

Zahi Fayad

Erwin Bottinger

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

6 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Ishan Paranjpe, Adam J Russak, Jessica K De Freitas, Anuradha Lala, Riccardo Miotto, Akhil Vaid, Kipp W Johnson, Matteo Danieletto, Eddye Golden, Dara Meyer, Manbir Singh, Sulaiman Somani, Arjun Kapoor, Ross O'Hagan, Sayan Manna, Udit Nangia, Suraj K Jaladanki, Paul O’Reilly, Laura M Huckins, Patricia Glowe, Arash Kia, Prem Timsina, Robert M Freeman, Matthew A Levin, Jeffrey Jhang, Adolfo Firpo, Patricia Kovatch, Joseph Finkelstein, Judith A Aberg, Emilia Bagiella, Carol R Horowitz, Barbara Murphy, Zahi A Fayad, Jagat Narula, Eric J Nestler, V Fuster, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Dennis Charney, David L Reich, Allan Just, Erwin P Bottinger, Alexander W Charney, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Girish N Nadkarni


BMJ Open

Open Publication

November, 2020

Machine Learning to Predict Mortality and Critical Events in a Cohort of Patients With COVID-19 in New York City: Model Development and Validation

Journal | JMIR Medical Informatics

HPI·MS Authors

Matteo Danieletto

Manbir Singh

Erwin Bottinger

Zahi Fayad

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

6 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Akhil Vaid, Sulaiman Somani, Adam J Russak, Jessica K De Freitas, Fayzan F Chaudhry, Ishan Paranjpe, Kipp W Johnson, Samuel J Lee, Riccardo Miotto, Shan Zhao, Noam Beckmann, Nidhi Naik, Kodi Arfer, Arash Kia, Prem Timsina, Anuradha Lala, Manish Paranjpe, Patricia Glowe, Eddye Golden, Matteo Danieletto, Manbir Singh, Dara Meyer, Paul F O'Reilly, Laura H Huckins, Patricia Kovatch, Joseph Finkelstein, Robert M Freeman, Edgar Argulian, Andrew Kasarskis, Bethany Percha, Judith A Aberg, Emilia Bagiella, Carol R Horowitz, Barbara Murphy, Eric J Nestler, Eric E Schadt, Judy H Cho, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Valentin Fuster, Dennis S Charney, David L Reich, Erwin P Bottinger, Matthew A Levin, Jagat Narula, Zahi A Fayad, Allan Just, Alexander W Charney, Girish N Nadkarni, Benjamin S Glicksberg


JMIR Medical Informatics

Open Publication

November, 2020

Prognostic Impact of Prior Heart Failure in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19

Journal |

HPI·MS Authors

Girish Nadkarni

Zahi Fayad

2 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Jesus Alvarez-Garcia, Samuel Lee, Arjun Gupta, Matthew Cagliostro, Aditya A Joshi, Mercedes Rivas-Lasarte, Johanna Contreras, Sumeet S Mitter, Gina LaRocca, Pilar Tlachi, Danielle Brunjes, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Matthew A Levin, Girish Nadkarni, Zahi Fayad, Valentin Fuster, Donna Mancini, Anuradha Lala

October, 2020

Anticoagulation, Bleeding, Mortality, and Pathology in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19

Journal | JACC

HPI·MS Authors

Girish Nadkarni

Alex Charney

Zahi Fayad

3 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Girish N Nadkarni, Anuradha Lala, Emilia Bagiella, Helena L Chang, Pedro Moreno, Elisabet Pujadas, Varun Arvind, Sonali Bose, Alexander W Charney, Martin D Chen, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Andrew S Dunn, Michael E Farkouh, Benjamin Glicksberg, Arash Kia, Roopa Kohli-Seth, Matthew A Levin, Prem Timsina, Shan Zhao, Zahi A Fayad, Valentin Fuster



Open Publication

September, 2020

Heterogeneous Graph Embeddings of Electronic Health Records Improve Critical Care Disease Predictions

Journal | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

HPI·MS Authors

Zahi Fayad

Girish Nadkarni

2 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Tingyi Wanyan, Martin Kang, Marcus A Badgeley, Kipp W Johnson, Jessica K De Freitas, Fayzan F Chaudhry, Akhil Vaid, Shan Zhao, Riccardo Miotto, Girish N Nadkarni, Fei Wang, Justin Rousseau, Ariful Azad, Ying Ding, Benjamin S Glicksberg


International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Open Publication

August, 2020

Characterization of Patients Who Return to Hospital Following Discharge from Hospitalization For COVID-19

Journal | Journal of General Internal Medicine

HPI·MS Authors

Erwin Bottinger

Zahi Fayad

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

4 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Sulaiman Somani, Felix Richter, Valentin Fuster, Jessica De Freitas, Nidhi Naik, Keith Sigel, Mount Sinai Covid Informatics Center, Erwin P Boettinger, Matthew A Levin, Zahi Fayad, Allan C Just, Alexander Charney, Shan Zhao, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Anuradha Lala, Girish Nadkarni


Journal of General Internal Medicine

Open Publication

August, 2020

Prevalence and Impact of Myocardial Injury in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 Infection

Journal | Journal of the American College of Cardiology

HPI·MS Authors

Zahi Fayad

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

3 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Anuradha Lala, Kipp W Johnson, James L Januzzi, Adam J Russak, Ishan Paranjpe, Felix Richter, Shan Zhao, Sulaiman Somani, Tielman Van Vleck, Akhil Vaid, Fayzan Chaudhry, Jessica K De Freitas, Zahi A Fayad, Sean P Pinney, Matthew Levin, Alexander Charney, Emilia Bagiella, Jagat Narula, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Girish Nadkarni, Donna M Mancini, Valentin Fuster, Mount Sinai Covid Informatics Center


Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Open Publication

August, 2020

Prevalence and impact of myocardial injury in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection

Journal | JACC

HPI·MS Authors

Zahi Fayad

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

3 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Anuradha Lala, Kipp W Johnson, James L Januzzi, Adam J Russak, Ishan Paranjpe, Felix Richter, Shan Zhao, Sulaiman Somani, Tielman Van Vleck, Akhil Vaid, Fayzan Chaudhry, Jessica K De Freitas, Zahi A Fayad, Sean P Pinney, Matthew Levin, Alexander Charney, Emilia Bagiella, Jagat Narula, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Girish Nadkarni, Donna M Mancini, Valentin Fuster, Mount Sinai COVID Informatics Center



Open Publication

July, 2020

Association of Treatment Dose Anticoagulation with In-Hospital Survival Among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19

Journal | Journal of the American College of Cardiology

HPI·MS Authors

Alex Charney

Zahi Fayad

Girish Nadkarni

3 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Ishan Paranjpe, Valentin Fuster, Anuradha Lala, Adam Russak, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Matthew A Levin , Alexander W Charney, Jagat Narula, Zahi A Fayad, Emilia Bagiella, Shan Zhao, Girish N Nadkarni


Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Open Publication

June, 2020

Coronavirus 2019 and People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Outcomes for Hospitalized Patients in New York City

Journal | Clinical Infectious Diseases

HPI·MS Authors

Erwin Bottinger

Zahi Fayad

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

4 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Keith Sigel, Talia Swartz, Eddye Golden, Ishan Paranjpe, Sulaiman Somani, Felix Richter, Jessica K De Freitas, Riccardo Miotto, Shan Zhao, Paz Polak, Tinaye Mutetwa, Stephanie Factor, Saurabh Mehandru, Michael Mullen, Francesca Cossarini, Erwin Bottinger, Zahi Fayad, Miriam Merad, Sacha Gnjatic, Judith Aberg, Alexander Charney, Girish Nadkarni, Benjamin S Glicksberg


Clinical Infectious Diseases

Open Publication

April, 2020

Clinical Characteristics of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in New York City

Journal | medRxiv

HPI·MS Authors

Matteo Danieletto

Manbir Singh

Zahi Fayad

Erwin Bottinger

Alex Charney

Girish Nadkarni

6 HPI•MS authors

Full list of authors

Ishan Paranjpe, Adam Russak, Jessica K De Freitas, Anuradha Lala, Riccardo Miotto, Akhil Vaid, Kipp W Johnson, Matteo Danieletto, Eddye Golden, Dara Meyer, Manbir Singh, Sulaiman Somani, Sayan Manna, Udit Nangia, Arjun Kapoor, Ross O'Hagan, Paul F O'Reilly, Laura M Huckins, Patricia Glowe, Arash Kia, Prem Timsina, Robert M Freeman, Matthew A Levin, Jeffrey Jhang, Adolfo Firpo, Patricia Kovatch, Joseph Finkelstein, Judith A Aberg, Emilia Bagiella, Carol R Horowitz, Barbara Murphy, Zahi A Fayad, Jagat Narula, Eric J Nestler, Valentin Fuster, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Dennis S Charney, David L Reich, Allan C Just, Erwin P Bottinger, Alexander W Charney, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Girish Nadkarni, Mount Sinai Covid Informatics Center



Open Publication