
Herve DiBello

Senior Engineer


Herve DiBello is a senior engineer at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai and the Windreich Department of AI and Human Health at the Icahn School of Medicine. His main role is to lead the technical development of the AI-Ready Mount Sinai research platform (AIR.MS). This includes technical architecture and design, management of the HANA and ancillary systems, as well as data integration from the various hospital systems to AIR.MS. Prior to his employment with HPI.MS, he spent most of his 25-year IT career as a consultant for SAP, where he worked across many different technologies and industries including five years in healthcare.


Herve DiBello is a senior engineer at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai and the Windreich Department of AI and Human Health at the Icahn School of Medicine. His main role is to lead the technical development of the AI-Ready Mount Sinai research platform (AIR.MS). This includes technical architecture and design, management of the HANA and ancillary systems, as well as data integration from the various hospital systems to AIR.MS. Prior to his employment with HPI.MS, he spent most of his 25-year IT career as a consultant for SAP, where he worked across many different technologies and industries including five years in healthcare.