
Herve DiBello

Senior Engineer


Herve DiBello is a senior engineer at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai. His main role is to lead the development of the AI-Ready Mount Sinai research platform (AIR·MS). AIR·MS is a computational environment where biomedical research discoveries are made possible by leveraging rich multi-modal health data and AI. Data scientists are provided easy access to Mount Sinai's vast clinical dataset, consisting of over 11 million patients in NYC. By linking this data with -omics, pathology, imaging, and other data modalities, researchers are well-positioned to accelerate the advancement of healthcare-driven, AI-based solutions. Prior to his employment with HPI·MS, Herve spent most of his 28-year IT career as a consultant for SAP, where he worked across many different technologies and industries, including over 5 years at SAP Health.


Herve DiBello is a senior engineer at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai. His main role is to lead the development of the AI-Ready Mount Sinai research platform (AIR·MS). AIR·MS is a computational environment where biomedical research discoveries are made possible by leveraging rich multi-modal health data and AI. Data scientists are provided easy access to Mount Sinai's vast clinical dataset, consisting of over 11 million patients in NYC. By linking this data with -omics, pathology, imaging, and other data modalities, researchers are well-positioned to accelerate the advancement of healthcare-driven, AI-based solutions. Prior to his employment with HPI·MS, Herve spent most of his 28-year IT career as a consultant for SAP, where he worked across many different technologies and industries, including over 5 years at SAP Health.