Forecast: To predict a future event
The information collected by your smart watch, fitness tracker or wearable device might shed light on flares of inflammatory bowel disease and if a flare might happen soon.
Join our novel study, IBD Forecast, to help us learn how to identify and predict flares in the hopes of transforming IBD care. In the study, we collect data from your wearable device and through brief app-based surveys.
To participate, download the eHive Studies app. Click the following link to download ehive Studies directly on your phone:
Apple App Store
Google Play
You can also find us by searching "ehive studies" in the app store.
Contact us directly here with any questions or comments about enrolling:

“One of the greatest challenges in inflammatory bowel disease is predicting who will have worsening symptoms or inflammation. It’s exciting to think that by using something as simple as a wearable device we may be able to predict what will happen with someone’s disease and improve their care.”
Robert P Hirten MD, Gastroenterologist and Principal Investigator
A Secure and Private Study
The Mount Sinai Health System is a leading medical and research institution at the forefront of inflammatory bowel disease care. IBD Forecast is approved by the Mount Sinai Institutional Review Board with all data securely maintained in the Mount Sinai system. Your privacy is our top priority.
If you have questions, reach out to our team via email: